Moonriver Token - Tokenomics
About Moonriver
The Utility Token of the Moonriver Network
The network’s Kusama deployment is called MoonriverGo to page, and has its own utility token also called Moonriver (MOVR).
Supply and other token economic behaviors on Moonriver are the same as Moonbeam, but the token distribution is different in order to support the unique goals and attributes of the network. Moonriver serves as a “CanaryNet” for Moonbeam, and is a community-led experiment, where the community has the power over the direction that it takes. Among other things, Moonriver used a large parachain crowdloan to obtain its initial parachain slot on Kusama.
Last Updated March 2, 2022. Note that the name for the Moonriver network token has changed to Moonriver (MOVR) to avoid a potential trademark conflict.

MOVR Token Utility
As a decentralized smart contract platform, Moonriver requires the MOVR token to function. This token is central to the design of Moonriver and cannot be removed without sacrificing essential functionality.
Some of the uses of the MOVR token on Moonriver include:
- Supporting the gas metering of smart contract execution
- Incentivizing collators and powering the mechanics around the creation of a decentralized node infrastructure on which the platform can run
- Facilitating the on-chain governance mechanism including proposing referenda, electing council members, voting, etc
- Paying for transaction fees on the network
Genesis Token Allocation
When the Moonriver network launched, the total supply for MOVR tokens was 10 million. A portion of the network tokens has been reserved to ensure the network maintains a parachain slot on the Kusama network.
A significant portion of the network (30%) was fairly and permissionlessly distributed as part of the initial crowdloan. The remaining balance is distributed to teams building on Moonriver and held by the Moonbeam Foundation to support long-term protocol and network development. Notably, there is no “founders reward” and the PureStake team developing Moonriver does not own any of the tokens at network genesis.

Allocation | Amount | % | Description |
Parachain Crowdloan | 3,000,000 | 30% | 30% of the network was offered to raise KSM needed for a crowdloan to bid in the Kusama parachain auction for an initial 48-week year parachain slot. We used this as a way to achieve token distribution for Moonriver. Upon launch of the Moonriver parachain, 30% of tokens will be distributed immediately to the crowdloan contributors, and the following 70% will be distributed weekly over the life of the lease (48 weeks). |
Community Initiatives and Parachain Slot Reserve | 4,000,000 | 40% | Tokens reserved to secure future Kusama parachain slot leases (e.g., continued parachain slot occupancy) and other community initiatives (e.g., liquidity incentives, strategic program rewards, etc.). |
Parachain Bond Reserve | 50,000 | 0.5% | Funds to be used for parachain bond purposes. Part of the supply inflation goes into this fund and the idea is ultimately for this reserve to hold enough assets to secure a parachain slot in perpetuity. |
Treasury | 50,000 | 0.5% | Onchain managed funds where spending the funds is only possible via token weighted onchain governance mechanisms. |
Long-Term Network Stewardship & Adoption | 2,450,000 | 24.5% | Tokens under the control of the Moonbeam Foundation, to be used to fund network adoption, grants programs, ecosystem development, and other network needs. |
Developer Adoption Program | 450,000 | 4.5% | Supply that will be used in the short term for project and platform adoption and practical needs. These are matching funds for the Moonbeam developer adoption program. |
View the Token Release Schedule and Transparency StatementGo to page /movr-transparency-commitment
Inflation and Fee Model
The purpose of inflation in Moonriver is to pay for ongoing security needs of the network. The primary security budget items are to pay for a parachain slot on an ongoing basis, and to incentivize collators to provide collation (block production) services to support the Moonriver network. The system targets 5% annual inflation, with approximately 1% going towards incentivizing collators and approximately 1.5% going towards the parachain bond reserve to accumulate on chain funds to pay for a parachain slot in perpetuity. The remaining roughly 2.5% is for users that stake their MOVR tokens and helps power the collator selection process. Inflationary token emissions can vary over time based on changes to parachain block times, network conditions, variances in relay chain performance, runtime bugs, and other factors.
Fees on Moonriver related to transactions and smart contract execution are handled in two ways. 80% of the spent fees are burned, which acts as a deflationary force and accrues value to existing MOVR holders based on increased utilization of the network. 20% of the spent fees go to the onchain treasury which can be allocated via on-chain governance to projects and initiatives which further adoption and engagement with the network.
All information made available, including claims, content, designs, algorithms, estimates, roadmaps, specifications, and performance measurements described in this project are provided for informational purposes only. It is up to the reader to check and validate the accuracy and truthfulness. Furthermore, nothing in this project information constitutes a solicitation for investment. No developer or entity involved in creating the Moonbeam Network or Moonriver Network or authoring this information will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of, the Moonbeam Network or Moonriver Network or any information made available on this website, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or loss of profits, cryptocurrencies, tokens, or anything else of value. All information contained herein is subject to modification without notice.