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How to Change the Moonriver Address Provided for MOVR Rewards

Jun 30, 2021

4 min read

If you’ve already participated in the Moonriver crowdloan, you can still change the rewards address you provided until August 1st 00:00 UTC, however, this may change. Please note that it will not be possible to change the address where rewards will be paid out after the deadline.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of checking the current Ethereum/Moonriver account entered for the crowdloan, and changing it for another.

About Moonriver Rewards Addresses

When participating in the Moonriver crowdloan using the Moonbeam Foundation application, you are asked to enter an Ethereum/Moonriver address. Moonriver uses a unified accounts system, meaning, Moonriver (MOVR) token holders will be able to sign all transactions using a regular Ethereum-like account. Moreover, MOVR rewards are distributed to this account as well.

Even after you’ve contributed to the crowdloan, it is possible to change the Ethereum/Moonriver account provided (until August 1st 00:00 UTC, although it might change in the future). Just make sure that you hold the mnemonic/private keys, and an exchange did not give the address. This is important because you will need the private keys to claim your rewards after Moonriver launches.

Checking Your Current Moonriver (MOVR) Address

Now that the crowdloan has officially ended, the application has been repurposed so users can check their contribution and change their Moonriver/Ethereum address.

Therefore, to check the current Ethereum/Moonriver address entered during the crowdloan, navigate to the Moonbeam Foundation crowdloan application page. When ready, click “Start.”


The next screen takes you through the steps of connecting your Polkadot.js extension wallet. Make sure you import the Kusama account you use to contribute to the Moonriver crowdloan. Here, please take the following steps:

  1. Click on “Connect to Polkadot.{js}”. The extension will show a pop-up window asking you to authorize the application.
  2. Verify the URL of the application you are granting access to the Polkadot.js extension. It must be exactly — if this is not the case, please contact the Moonbeam Foundation team at
  3. Once you’ve verified the URL, click on “Yes, allow this application access” — This allows the application to fetch your account information and also use the Polkadot.js extension to sign transactions.

The application will load all accounts in the Polkadot.js extension that are set up to work with Kusama. If your account is not loading, make sure you’ve set it up with the “Allow use on any chain” or “Kusama Relay Chain” option.

If the pop-up is not showing up, take the following steps:

  1. Click on the “Gear” icon to open the extension settings.
  2. Select the “Manage Website Access” option.
  3. Allow — Double check the website URL before allowing it.

Once your account data is imported into the application, take the following steps:

  1. Select the Kusama account containing the crowdloan contribution you want to check. If you’ve contributed from multiple accounts you’ll have to do one account at a time.
  2. Click on “Continue.”
  3. (Optional) If the account you have to participate with is not showing up, check your Polkadot.js extension and make sure it can be used on any chain or the Kusama relay chain. Afterward, click on “Reload accounts.”

Once you’ve selected your Kusama account, you are presented with your contribution details. Here, you can see your KSM contribution address, as well as the address where MOVRs will be transferred to.


Changing Your Moonriver (MOVR) Address

Before changing your Moonriver/Ethereum address, make sure you own and have securely stored the mnemonic/private key of the new Moonriver/Ethereum address. Please note that your mnemonic/private keys provide direct access to your funds. You can’t use an account from an exchange.

When ready, click on “Change MOVR Address.” This will initiate a wizard that will take you through the process of sending the transaction to change the MOVR address.


In the next screen, please take the following steps:

  1. Provide the new Moonriver/Ethereum address where MOVR rewards will be paid out.
  2. Click on “Sign and send.” A Polkadot.js extension pop-up will appear.
  3. Verify the URL of the application you are granting access to the Polkadot.js extension. It must be exactly — if this is not the case, please contact the Moonbeam Foundation team at
  4. Enter your password.
  5. Once you’ve reviewed all the information, click on “Sign the transaction.”

After the transaction is sent and confirmed, you should receive a “Transaction successful!” window. If you go back to your contribution details, you should see the newly provided address.

And that is it! You’ve successfully changed your Moonriver/Ethereum address, where you’ll receive your MOVR rewards.