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KuCoin to Support the Moonriver Crowdloan

Jun 7, 2021

2 min read

Users Can Contribute KSM Through the KuCoin Exchange

The Moonbeam Foundation is pleased to announce that KuCoin, one of the most popular exchanges in the crypto space, will support the upcoming Moonriver crowdloan. This integration will allow KuCoin’s users to contribute to the Moonriver crowdloan without having to leave the exchange. After Moonriver successfully launches on Kusama, MOVR rewards will be available to the Moonriver crowdloan participants within KuCoin.

KuCoin is a global cryptocurrency exchange for numerous digital assets and cryptocurrencies. Launched in September 2017, KuCoin has grown into one of the most popular crypto exchanges and already has over 8 million registered users from 200+ countries and regions.

A crowdloan is a way for the Kusama community to support a project as they bid for a parachain slot on the Kusama network. KuCoin’s support will help expand the reach of the Moonriver crowdloan by allowing users to easily contribute to the crowdloan without leaving the exchange.

Once the crowdloan officially opens, KuCoin will allow users to securely participate in Moonriver’s crowdloan from the exchange platform. The integration between KuCoin and Moonriver gives KuCoin users greater flexibility and choice in how they would like to participate in the Moonriver crowdloan. By providing a more seamless way to contribute to the Moonriver crowdloan, KuCoin’s support of the Moonriver crowdloan will help encourage broad participation and ensure the community remains an integral part of the network launch.

Light Huang, Senior Manager at KuCoin had the following to say about the collaboration: “We are very glad to collaborate with the Moonbeam (Moonriver) team to support their parachain slot auction. The technology they have built to provide Ethereum-compatibility on Kusama and Polkadot is a game changer that will benefit both ecosystems.”

Parity is expected to announce the start of the Kusama auctions and crowdloans imminently. Once crowdloans start, KuCoin users will be able to participate via KuCoin as well as the participating directly through the Moonbeam Foundation DApp.